Our interventions

Identify causes to tackle the roots of the problems

Quality of Work Life

  • Quality of Work Life diagnosis (QWL)
  • Prevention of psychosocial risks
  • Implementation of action plan
  • Steering and monitoring


Merger, Job-saving Plan, VDP*, restructuring, move

  • Anticipation of change
    • > Study the human impact of change
  • Support of change
    • > Work organisation
    • > Discussion groups about  work
    • > Workload analysis

Consultancy / crisis management

  • Mediation in case of conflict
  • Investigation following moral harassment
  • In case of suicide attempt and suicide
  • Help to return to work after a burnout


  • Prevention of psychosocial risks
  • Caring management


  • For the ComEx*, CoDir*, CHSCT*, HRD*, managers and employees
  • Quality of Work Life awareness

 *VDP: Voluntary Departure Plan *ComEx: Comité Exécutif / Executive Committee; *CoDir : Comité de Direction / Board of directors; *CHSCT : Comité d’Hygiène, de Sécurité et des Conditions de Travail / Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee; *DRH: Direction des Ressources Humaines / Human Ressources Department

Our scientific approach

Feel good at work … to be able to do quality work

To feel good at work…


Reveal the High Human Quality®
with a vision zero

  •  0 Incivility
  •  0 Lack of respect
  •  0 Violence
  •  0 Workplace accident
  •  0 Occupational disease
  •  0 Burn-out
  •  0 Disengagement

Developing Quality of Work Life by stress prevention and RPS*

Prevention of psychosocial risks

The prevention of psychosocial risks is an eminently complex subject requiring a multidisciplinary approach. Better Human Co systematically chooses an approach that takes into account the individual, the collective and the organization of work.

The overall approach of the working environment will determine the relevance of the analysis and the proposed solutions. The approach developed by Better Human Co focuses on both the experiences and individual representations, the interactions between individuals and the functioning of the organization.

Our approach is always adapted to the context of the company or organization and its sector of activity. 


How is it done?

Better Human Co offers companies and institutions a range of interventions to support them in all the key phases of their health and safety prevention policy, to improve workplace well-being and overall performance.

Within the framework of a Joint Steering Committee, we work in partnership with:

  • Directions: General Management, HRD
  • The OSs (Trade Union Organizations) and the IRPs (Staffl Representative Bodies)
  • The Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee (CHSCT)
  • The employee representative committee
  • The staff representatives
  • The Occupational Health Services

Our ambition is always to identify the causes to tackles the root of the problems, not just on the symptoms.

The method developed by Better Human Co aims to EVALUATE, UNDERSTAND and ACT.

Key factors for success

  • The commitment of management and the social partners.
  • Support for the occupational health service.
  • The guarantee of anonymity and confidentiality provided by a third party.
  • Internal communication is essential:
    • Upstream to explain and reassure employees,
    • Downstream with a communication plan to value the actions carried out.
  • A rigorous, effective and pragmatic approach:
    • The intervention process (the way things are done) have to be given as much importance as the specific actions deployed (things themselves),
    • It is essential to establish a proper diagnosis before deploying an action plan.
  • A vision on the short, medium and long term.

The goal is not to do more but to do better: it is necessary to identify some problems on which to act and to avoid too many simultaneous actions.

A short and effective methodology

The diagnostic approach developed by the firm consists of 5 major steps:

STEP 1 : Preparation of the approach

The Pre-diagnosis or H.Q.I for Human Quality Index® is based on a short and effective methodology developed by Better Human Co.

It allows organizations to make a preliminary objective inventory in order to compare itself in its group or in its sector of activity and to help in the decision-making and the action.

At the launch of the initiative, Better Human Co invites companies and institutions to bring together all the key factors of success to ensure its smooth running:

  • The sharing of fundamental principles: anonymity, confidentiality, communication.
  • The commitment of all the stakeholders of the company or establishment.
  • The availability of material, financial and human resources.
  • Raising awareness among key players.
  • The setting up of a Joint Steering Committee.
  • Achievement of a transparent and consensus-based communication plan.
STEP 2 : Evaluate the risks and identify the causes

The methodology used for the good conduct of the socio-organizational audit-diagnosis always combines:

  • A quantitative approach, based on scientifically validated questionnaires and supplemented by questions specific to your sector of activity and your problems and business; It makes it possible to identify the causes;
  • A qualitative approach centered on the real activity of employees and working conditions, work experience, work organization, job ergonomics and psychological and social dimensions. It makes it possible to understand the causes identified in the quantitative approach.

Quantitative phase : Measure to induce changes in behavior.

The evaluation methodology of Better Human Cie is based on an innovative program specialized in the prevention of psychosocial risks in companies:

  • MétéoStress®, 1st chronic stress measurement program on the Internet
  • Human@Work®, online questionnaire allowing an inventory of services / departments

The quantitative approach developed by Better Human Cie has four major advantages:

  • Identify the causes of psychosocial risks in order to better prevent them
  • Give global and anonymous results: designed by health professionals, these assessment and monitoring tools are available on an outsourced, secure and personalized website. The data collected are systematically made anonymous before any treatment. They are non-nominative and are used only for statistical, global and anonymous processing.
  • Stimulate social dialogue: Human@work® allows all employees to speak quickly and at low cost.
  • Promote individual awareness through immediate results and advice for employees.
  • Benefit from a benchmark: thanks to the Better Human Cie panel, each company and institution benefits from”benchmarking” data and can be compared to national references.

Qualitative phase

Understand the risk factors and the actual context of the work activity to co-construct relevant measures for improvement.

Better Human Co promotes proximity, dialogue and listening to people in work situations and the observation of their environment. The qualitative approach developed by Better Human Cie promotes a participatory approach in a strictly confidential and ethical framework through the following methods:

  • The conduct of semi-structured individual interviews;
  • The conduct or focus group interviews;
  • Interviews by e-mail or telephone;
  • In-situ ergonomic observation of workstations;
  • The installation of listening centres (if necessary).


STEP 3 : Understand in order to act

Better Human Co goes beyond the identification of risk factors and precisely targets the concrete problems by asking employees about their perception:

  • A better understanding of human and organizational causes and consequences.
  • Compile a complete report of the problems existing in the organization.
  • Co-build leads for improvement.
  • Make people aware that through management practices and work practices, behaviors, words and decisions can constitute risk or protective factors.
STEP 4 : Develop individual and collective solutions

The logic of BHC’s intervention is constructive.

The audit phase should lead to a plan of concrete actions adapted to the context of the organization developed jointly by involving the key players: management, social partners, CHSCT (Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee), occupational health and safety, etc.

A three-level prevention plan:

Upstream of psychosocial risks:
  • Primary prevention: acting on organizations
    Reorganizing work and improving working conditions
In preventing the deterioration of situations:
  • Secondary prevention: acting on individuals
    Improving awareness, knowledge and exchange
In reparation for degraded situations:
  • Tertiary prevention: acting on people who are suffering
    Optimizing the tracking of occupational medicine and caring for people in distress
    The best thing is to act as far upstream as possible on the causes, and therefore on the organizations, but also on people.
STEP 5 : Establish some actions and watch out for effectiveness
  • Establish a detailed action plan in order of priority.
  • Sensitize the actors of the implementation (all managers in particular).
  • Identify the success and failure criteria of the actions to be deployed.
  • Develop a follow-up methodology.

Evaluate the effectiveness of the actions.

Better Human Cie enrolls its customer relationship in a logic of partnership in the long term with:

  • Proximity support in your actions
    • A plan to deploy actions for optimal efficiency
    • Regular meetings with Better Human Co.
  • Clear internal communication
    • Information to all employees on the actions put in place and their progress
    • A valorisation of the involvement of the company and the establishment in the improvement of the quality of life at work
  • Dynamic monitoring of your teams to improve the management of periods of stress
    • Simple and concrete indicators
    • Real-time results
Why act ?

Action is needed to:

Take reality into account and reduce stress costs:

In France:

  • Stress is responsible for 60% of absenteeism (Source: 4th OSHA-EU study, October 2009).
  • 41% of employees report being stressed. (Source: CSA, NAALC 2009)
  • 17% of French employees are on antidepressants. (Source: CSA, NAALC 2009)
  • The direct cost of occupational stress was 3 billion euros in 2007. (Source: INRS, January 2010)
  • 300 to 400 suicides per year, due to the lack of questioning of the organization of work. (Source: Le Monde, 13 August 2009)
  • 23% of employees exposed to tense work situations (“occupational stress”). (Source: INRS, 2003)

In Europe:

  • The cost of stress is estimated at 3% of GDP, which is a real non-growth factor. (Source: INRS, 2008)
  • Only 26% of European companies have procedures in place to deal with stress. (Source: OSHA-EU, June 2010)

Accompany organizational changes

  • 70% of changes in the company don’t reach their goal because of human factor. (Source: McKinsey & Company, The Inconvenient About Change Management, 1995 and 2006)

It is work that has to adapt to people and not the opposite to improve sustainable performance.

Definition of stress

Definition of stress

A state of stress occurs when there is an imbalance between a person’s perception of the constraints imposed by his environment and his perception of his own resources to deal with them.

(Stress description, National Interprofessional Agreement, July, 2th 2008)

Reference texts

Psychosocial risks are increasingly regulated by law.


National Agreements on Harassment and Violence at Work

March, 26th 2010

National Interprofessional Agreement on Workplace Stress

July, 02th 2008

European Framework Agreement on Work-Related Stress

October, 08th 2004

Labor code :

  • “The employer shall take the necessary measures to ensure safety and to protect the physical and mental health of workers.” – Article L4121-1
  • “The employer shall implement the measures provided for in Article L. 4121-1 on the basis of the general principles of prevention …” Article L4121-2
  • “The employer shall, taking into account the nature of the activities of the establishment, assess the risks to the health and safety of workers, including the choice of manufacturing processes, work equipment, chemical substances or preparations, In the layout or rearrangement of workplaces or facilities and in the definition of workstations. Following this assessment, the employer implements the preventive measures as well as the working and production methods guaranteeing a better level of protection of the health and safety of the workers. It integrates these actions and methods into all the activities of the institution and at all levels of management. “ Article L4121-3
  • “When entrusting tasks to a worker, the employer, taking into account the nature of the activities of the establishment, shall take into consideration the capacity of the person concerned to implement the necessary health and safety precautions.” Article L4121-4


  • Report :

Well-being and efficiency report at work

February 2010


* RPS : Psychosocial risks

Your benefits

For each employee :

immediate results and responses, tips to take care of their health and improve their quality of Work Life.

For scientific research :

The anonymous data will be integrated into our panel and entrusted to researchers in order to improve knowledge about the world of  work and psychosocial risks in France.

For the company and social partners

allow the implementation of concrete collective actions to follow the evolution of the main stress factors.

For 1€ invested :

A ROI* of 2 to 4 € for the prevention of physical health
Survey OPPBTP 2013
A ROI* of 13 € for the prevention of mental health
Study on the cost of psychosocial risks carried out by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work – Septembre 2014

*Return On Investment


A unique database

Audits since 2011

  • Number of companies : 60
  • Total population surveyed : N=32000
MEN 61%

In all sectors of activity


Pharmaceutical, agri-food industry,
aeronautics/spatial, construction industry, automobile industry

Public sector

Territorial collectivity,
health, social action


 Digital services,  telephony,
insurance, transport

Health and medico-social sector

Hospitals, EHPAD (Retirement home),
ADAPEI (Departmental association of relatives and friends of people with intellectual disabilities) , clinics

Our scientific partners

Better Human Co participates in the scientific research and the improvement of the knowledge on “Work, employment and health” and on “Organizational Justice” by making available to researchers the anonymous databases (CNRS – LIRHE IAE of Toulouse, INSERM U 558, CHU Rangueil – Toulouse).

Better Human Co has signed a research partnership agreement with :


The university of Toulouse II


Toulouse Business School


The university François Rabelais of Tours : Laboratory of Psychology on Quality of Work Life

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