*VDP: Voluntary Departure Plan *ComEx: Comité Exécutif / Executive Committee; *CoDir : Comité de Direction / Board of directors; *CHSCT : Comité d’Hygiène, de Sécurité et des Conditions de Travail / Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee; *DRH: Direction des Ressources Humaines / Human Ressources Department
The prevention of psychosocial risks is an eminently complex subject requiring a multidisciplinary approach. Better Human Co systematically chooses an approach that takes into account the individual, the collective and the organization of work.
The overall approach of the working environment will determine the relevance of the analysis and the proposed solutions. The approach developed by Better Human Co focuses on both the experiences and individual representations, the interactions between individuals and the functioning of the organization.
Our approach is always adapted to the context of the company or organization and its sector of activity.
Better Human Co offers companies and institutions a range of interventions to support them in all the key phases of their health and safety prevention policy, to improve workplace well-being and overall performance.
Within the framework of a Joint Steering Committee, we work in partnership with:
Our ambition is always to identify the causes to tackles the root of the problems, not just on the symptoms.
The method developed by Better Human Co aims to EVALUATE, UNDERSTAND and ACT.
Key factors for success
The goal is not to do more but to do better: it is necessary to identify some problems on which to act and to avoid too many simultaneous actions.
A short and effective methodology
The diagnostic approach developed by the firm consists of 5 major steps:
The Pre-diagnosis or H.Q.I for Human Quality Index® is based on a short and effective methodology developed by Better Human Co.
It allows organizations to make a preliminary objective inventory in order to compare itself in its group or in its sector of activity and to help in the decision-making and the action.
At the launch of the initiative, Better Human Co invites companies and institutions to bring together all the key factors of success to ensure its smooth running:
The methodology used for the good conduct of the socio-organizational audit-diagnosis always combines:
The evaluation methodology of Better Human Cie is based on an innovative program specialized in the prevention of psychosocial risks in companies:
The quantitative approach developed by Better Human Cie has four major advantages:
Understand the risk factors and the actual context of the work activity to co-construct relevant measures for improvement.
Better Human Co promotes proximity, dialogue and listening to people in work situations and the observation of their environment. The qualitative approach developed by Better Human Cie promotes a participatory approach in a strictly confidential and ethical framework through the following methods:
Better Human Co goes beyond the identification of risk factors and precisely targets the concrete problems by asking employees about their perception:
The logic of BHC’s intervention is constructive.
The audit phase should lead to a plan of concrete actions adapted to the context of the organization developed jointly by involving the key players: management, social partners, CHSCT (Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee), occupational health and safety, etc.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the actions.
Better Human Cie enrolls its customer relationship in a logic of partnership in the long term with:
Action is needed to:
In France:
In Europe:
It is work that has to adapt to people and not the opposite to improve sustainable performance.
A state of stress occurs when there is an imbalance between a person’s perception of the constraints imposed by his environment and his perception of his own resources to deal with them.
(Stress description, National Interprofessional Agreement, July, 2th 2008)
Psychosocial risks are increasingly regulated by law.
National Agreements on Harassment and Violence at Work
March, 26th 2010
National Interprofessional Agreement on Workplace Stress
July, 02th 2008
European Framework Agreement on Work-Related Stress
October, 08th 2004
Well-being and efficiency report at work
February 2010
immediate results and responses, tips to take care of their health and improve their quality of Work Life.
The anonymous data will be integrated into our panel and entrusted to researchers in order to improve knowledge about the world of work and psychosocial risks in France.
allow the implementation of concrete collective actions to follow the evolution of the main stress factors.
A ROI* of 2 to 4 € for the prevention of physical health
Survey OPPBTP 2013
A ROI* of 13 € for the prevention of mental health
Study on the cost of psychosocial risks carried out by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work – Septembre 2014
*Return On Investment
Better Human Co participates in the scientific research and the improvement of the knowledge on “Work, employment and health” and on “Organizational Justice” by making available to researchers the anonymous databases (CNRS – LIRHE IAE of Toulouse, INSERM U 558, CHU Rangueil – Toulouse).
Better Human Co has signed a research partnership agreement with :