Why act ?


Action is needed to:

Take reality into account and reduce stress costs:

In France:

  • Stress is responsible for 60% of absenteeism (Source: 4th OSHA-EU study, October 2009).
  • 41% of employees report being stressed. (Source: CSA, NAALC 2009)
  • 17% of French employees are on antidepressants. (Source: CSA, NAALC 2009)
  • The direct cost of occupational stress was 3 billion euros in 2007. (Source: INRS, January 2010)
  • 300 to 400 suicides per year, due to the lack of questioning of the organization of work. (Source: Le Monde, 13 August 2009)
  • 23% of employees exposed to tense work situations (“occupational stress”). (Source: INRS, 2003)

In Europe:

  • The cost of stress is estimated at 3% of GDP, which is a real non-growth factor. (Source: INRS, 2008)
  • Only 26% of European companies have procedures in place to deal with stress. (Source: OSHA-EU, June 2010)

Accompany organizational changes

  • 70% of changes in the company don’t reach their goal because of human factor. (Source: McKinsey & Company, The Inconvenient About Change Management, 1995 and 2006)

It is work that has to adapt to people and not the opposite to improve sustainable performance.

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